Command Line Interface

Virtual Machine:

qm Commands Related to Cloud-Init

qm cloudinit dump <vmid> <type>

  • Displays the cloud-init configuration of the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <type>: Type of configuration to display (e.g., network, user).

qm cloudinit pending <vmid>

  • Displays pending cloud-init changes to be applied to the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm cloudinit update <vmid>

  • Updates the cloud-init configuration of the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm Commands Related to Disk

qm disk move <vmid> <disk> [<storage>] [OPTIONS]

  • Moves the VM disk to a different storage.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <disk>: Disk identifier (e.g., virtio0).
  • [<storage>]: Destination storage name.

qm disk resize <vmid> <disk> <size> [OPTIONS]

  • Resizes the VM disk.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <disk>: Disk identifier.
  • <size>: New disk size.

qm disk unlink <vmid> --idlist <string> [OPTIONS]

  • Unlinks a disk from the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • --idlist <string>: List of disk IDs to unlink.

qm disk import <vmid> <source> <storage> [OPTIONS]

  • Imports a disk to the VM from a specified source.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <source>: Disk source (e.g., file).
  • <storage>: Destination storage.

qm disk rescan [OPTIONS]

  • Rescans disks to detect changes.

qm Commands Related to Guest

qm guest cmd <vmid> <command>

  • Executes a command inside the guest VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <command>: Command to be executed.

qm guest exec-status <vmid> <pid>

  • Displays the status of a command executed inside the guest VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <pid>: Process ID of the command.

qm guest passwd <vmid> <username> [OPTIONS]

  • Changes the password of a user inside the guest VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <username>: Username inside the guest VM.

qm guest exec <vmid> [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]

  • Executes a command inside the guest VM with additional options.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • [<extra-args>]: Additional arguments for the command.

qm Commands Related to VM Management

qm clone <vmid> <newid> [OPTIONS]

  • Clones a VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine to be cloned.
  • <newid>: New ID for the clone.

qm config <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Displays or modifies the VM configuration.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm create <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Creates a new VM.
  • <vmid>: ID for the new VM.

qm delsnapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Deletes a snapshot of the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <snapname>: Name of the snapshot to be deleted.

qm destroy <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Destroys a VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm list [OPTIONS]

  • Displays a list of VMs.

qm listsnapshot <vmid>

  • Displays a list of snapshots of the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm migrate <vmid> <target> [OPTIONS]

  • Migrates a VM to another node.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <target>: Destination node.

qm pending <vmid>

  • Displays pending configuration changes to be applied to the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm reboot <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Reboots the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm reset <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Resets the VM (similar to pressing the reset button on hardware).
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm resume <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Resumes a suspended VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm rollback <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Rolls back the VM to a previous snapshot.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <snapname>: Name of the snapshot.

qm sendkey <vmid> <key> [OPTIONS]

  • Sends a key to the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <key>: Key to be sent.

qm set <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Sets the configuration of the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm shutdown <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Shuts down the VM safely.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm snapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Creates a snapshot of the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <snapname>: Name for the snapshot.

qm start <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Starts the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm stop <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Forcefully stops the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm suspend <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Suspends the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm template <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Converts the VM to a template.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm Commands Related to Import/Export

qm cleanup <vmid> <clean-shutdown> <guest-requested>

  • Cleans up the VM after shutdown or guest request.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <clean-shutdown>: Indicates if the VM was shut down safely.
  • <guest-requested>: Indicates if the request came from the guest.

qm import <vmid> <source> --storage <string> [OPTIONS]

  • Imports a VM from a specified source.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <source>: Source of the VM (e.g., file).
  • --storage <string>: Destination storage.

qm importovf <vmid> <manifest> <storage> [OPTIONS]

  • Imports a VM from an OVF file.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • <manifest>: OVF manifest file.
  • <storage>: Destination storage.

Other qm Commands

qm monitor <vmid>

  • Opens the VM monitor.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm mtunnel

  • Opens tunneling for VM migration.

qm nbdstop <vmid>

  • Stops the Network Block Device on the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm remote-migrate <vmid> [<target-vmid>] <target-endpoint> --target-bridge <string> --target-storage <string> [OPTIONS]

  • Migrates the VM to a remote endpoint.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.
  • [<target-vmid>]: New ID on the remote if necessary.
  • <target-endpoint>: Destination endpoint.
  • --target-bridge <string>: Destination network bridge.
  • --target-storage <string>: Destination storage.

qm showcmd <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Displays the QEMU command for the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm status <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Displays the status of the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm terminal <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Opens the terminal for the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm unlock <vmid>

  • Unlocks the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm vncproxy <vmid>

  • Opens a VNC proxy for the VM.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm wait <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Waits for the VM to reach a specific status.
  • <vmid>: ID of the Virtual Machine.

qm help [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]

  • Displays help for qm commands.

Command Line Interface qm Options

qm list [OPTIONS]

  • --no-headers: Excludes the header row from the output.
  • Example: qm list --no-headers

qm listsnapshot <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have options.

qm migrate <vmid> <target> [OPTIONS]

  • --online: Performs an online migration, keeping the VM running.
  • Example: qm migrate 100 pve-node2 --online
  • --timeout <time>: Sets the timeout for migration.
  • Example: qm migrate 100 pve-node2 --timeout 300 (sets timeout to 300 seconds)

qm pending <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have options.

qm reboot <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the VM to reboot even if it is in a state that does not allow a clean reboot.
  • Example: qm reboot 100 --force

qm reset <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces a reset of the VM.
  • Example: qm reset 100 --force

qm resume <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • No specific options: This command does not have options.

qm rollback <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • --snapshot: Indicates the snapshot name to roll back to.
  • Example: qm rollback 100 mysnapshot --snapshot mysnapshot

qm sendkey <vmid> <key> [OPTIONS]

  • --key: Specifies the key to be sent to the VM.
  • Example: qm sendkey 100 Enter --key Enter

qm set <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --config: Allows modification of VM configuration.
  • Example: qm set 100 --config cpu=2

qm shutdown <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the VM to shut down even if it’s not responding.
  • Example: qm shutdown 100 --force

qm snapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • --description <desc>: Adds a description to the snapshot.
  • Example: qm snapshot 100 mysnapshot --description "Pre-update snapshot"

qm start <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --autostart: Configures the VM to automatically start on node boot.
  • Example: qm start 100 --autostart

qm stop <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the VM to stop immediately.
  • Example: qm stop 100 --force

qm suspend <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • No specific options: This command does not have options.

qm template <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the VM to be converted to a template even if it is running.
  • Example: qm template 100 --force

qm cleanup <vmid> <clean-shutdown> <guest-requested>

  • --clean-shutdown: Indicates whether the VM was shut down cleanly.
  • Example: qm cleanup 100 true guest

qm import <vmid> <source> --storage <string> [OPTIONS]

  • --storage <storage>: Specifies the storage for the imported VM.
  • Example: qm import 100 myvm.img --storage local-lvm

qm importovf <vmid> <manifest> <storage> [OPTIONS]

  • --manifest <file>: Provides the OVF manifest file for import.
  • Example: qm importovf 100 myovf.ovf local-lvm --manifest

qm monitor <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have options.

qm mtunnel

  • No specific options: This command does not have options.

qm nbdstop <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have options.

qm remote-migrate <vmid> [<target-vmid>] <target-endpoint> --target-bridge <string> --target-storage <string> [OPTIONS]

  • --target-bridge <bridge>: Specifies the network bridge on the target.
  • Example: qm remote-migrate 100 pve-node2 --target-bridge vmbr1
  • --target-storage <storage>: Specifies the storage on the target.
  • Example: qm remote-migrate 100 pve-node2 --target-storage local-lvm

qm showcmd <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --config: Shows the command to configure the VM.
  • Example: qm showcmd 100 --config

qm status <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --details: Provides detailed status information.
  • Example: qm status 100 --details

qm terminal <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --resize: Adjusts the terminal window size.
  • Example: qm terminal 100 --resize 80x24

qm unlock <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have options.

qm vncproxy <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have options.

qm wait <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --status <status>: Waits until the VM reaches the specified status.
  • Example: qm wait 100 --status running

qm help [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]

  • --all: Shows help for all commands and options.
  • Example: qm help --all
    Certainly! Here’s the continuation of the [OPTIONS] explanations for qm commands:

qm cloudinit dump <vmid> <type>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm cloudinit pending <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm cloudinit update <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm disk move <vmid> <disk> [<storage>] [OPTIONS]

  • --timeout <time>: Sets the timeout for the disk move operation.
  • Example: qm disk move 100 virtio0 local-lvm --timeout 120 (sets the timeout to 120 seconds)
  • --force: Forces the move operation even if there are warnings.
  • Example: qm disk move 100 virtio0 local-lvm --force

qm disk resize <vmid> <disk> <size> [OPTIONS]

  • --resize: Specifies the new size of the disk.
  • Example: qm disk resize 100 virtio0 50G --resize 50G
  • --force: Forces the resize operation.
  • Example: qm disk resize 100 virtio0 50G --force

qm disk unlink <vmid> --idlist <string> [OPTIONS]

  • --idlist <string>: Provides a comma-separated list of disk IDs to unlink.
  • Example: qm disk unlink 100 --idlist virtio0,virtio1

qm disk import <vmid> <source> <storage> [OPTIONS]

  • --timeout <time>: Sets the timeout for the import operation.
  • Example: qm disk import 100 mydisk.img local-lvm --timeout 180 (sets the timeout to 180 seconds)
  • --force: Forces the import operation even if there are warnings.
  • Example: qm disk import 100 mydisk.img local-lvm --force

qm disk rescan [OPTIONS]

  • --timeout <time>: Sets the timeout for the rescan operation.
  • Example: qm disk rescan --timeout 60

qm guest cmd <vmid> <command>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm guest exec-status <vmid> <pid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm guest passwd <vmid> <username> [OPTIONS]

  • --password <password>: Specifies the new password for the user.
  • Example: qm guest passwd 100 admin --password newpassword123

qm guest exec <vmid> [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]

  • --extra-args <args>: Passes additional arguments to the command executed inside the guest.
  • Example: qm guest exec 100 'df -h' --extra-args 'df -h'

qm clone <vmid> <newid> [OPTIONS]

  • --name <name>: Sets a new name for the cloned VM.
  • Example: qm clone 100 200 --name my-clone
  • --target-node <node>: Specifies the target node for the cloned VM.
  • Example: qm clone 100 200 --target-node pve-node2

qm create <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --name <name>: Specifies the name for the new VM.
  • Example: qm create 100 --name my-new-vm
  • --cores <num>: Sets the number of CPU cores for the VM.
  • Example: qm create 100 --cores 4

qm delsnapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the deletion of the snapshot.
  • Example: qm delsnapshot 100 mysnapshot --force

qm destroy <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the destruction of the VM, bypassing confirmation prompts.
  • Example: qm destroy 100 --force

qm migrate <vmid> <target> [OPTIONS]

  • --online: Performs an online migration to keep the VM running during migration.
  • Example: qm migrate 100 pve-node2 --online

qm pending <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm reboot <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the reboot of the VM.
  • Example: qm reboot 100 --force

qm reset <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the reset of the VM.
  • Example: qm reset 100 --force

qm resume <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm rollback <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • --snapshot: Specifies the snapshot to roll back to.
  • Example: qm rollback 100 mysnapshot --snapshot mysnapshot

qm sendkey <vmid> <key> [OPTIONS]

  • --key <key>: Specifies the key to be sent to the VM.
  • Example: qm sendkey 100 Enter --key Enter

qm set <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --config: Specifies configuration settings to be applied to the VM.
  • Example: qm set 100 --config memory=2048

qm shutdown <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the shutdown of the VM.
  • Example: qm shutdown 100 --force

qm snapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • --description <desc>: Adds a description to the snapshot.
  • Example: qm snapshot 100 mysnapshot --description "Pre-update snapshot"

qm start <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --autostart: Configures the VM to start automatically on node boot.
  • Example: qm start 100 --autostart

qm stop <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the VM to stop immediately.
  • Example: qm stop 100 --force

qm suspend <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm template <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --force: Forces the VM to be converted to a template even if it is running.
  • Example: qm template 100 --force

qm cleanup <vmid> <clean-shutdown> <guest-requested>

  • --clean-shutdown: Indicates if the VM has been shut down cleanly.
  • Example: qm cleanup 100 true guest

qm import <vmid> <source> --storage <string> [OPTIONS]

  • --storage <storage>: Specifies the storage for the imported VM.
  • Example: qm import 100 myvm.img --storage local-lvm

qm importovf <vmid> <manifest> <storage> [OPTIONS]

  • --manifest <file>: Specifies the OVF manifest file.
  • Example: qm importovf 100 myovf.ovf local-lvm --manifest

qm monitor <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm mtunnel

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm nbdstop <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm remote-migrate <vmid> [<target-vmid>] <target-endpoint> --target-bridge <string> --target-storage <string> [OPTIONS]

  • --target-bridge <bridge>: Specifies the target network bridge.
  • Example: qm remote-migrate 100 pve-node2 --target-bridge vmbr1
  • --target-storage <storage>: Specifies the target storage.
  • Example: qm remote-migrate 100 pve-node2 --target-storage local-lvm

qm showcmd <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --config: Displays the command to configure the VM.
  • Example: qm showcmd 100 --config

qm status <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --details: Provides detailed status information.
  • Example: qm status 100 --details

qm terminal <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --resize: Adjusts the terminal window size.
  • Example: qm terminal 100 --resize 80x24

qm unlock <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm vncproxy <vmid>

  • No specific options: This command does not have additional options.

qm wait <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • --status <status>: Waits until the VM reaches the specified status.
  • Example: qm wait 100 --status running

qm help [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]

  • --all: Shows help for all commands and options.
  • Example: qm help --all


pct Commands

Container Management Commands

pct clone <vmid> <newid> [OPTIONS]

  • Clones a container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the source container.
  • <newid>: ID for the new container.

pct create <vmid> <ostemplate> [OPTIONS]

  • Creates a new container.
  • <vmid>: ID for the new container.
  • <ostemplate>: OS template for the container.

pct destroy <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Destroys a container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct list

  • Lists all containers.

pct migrate <vmid> <target> [OPTIONS]

  • Migrates a container to another node.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • <target>: Target node.

pct move-volume <vmid> <volume> [<storage>] [<target-vmid>] [<target-volume>] [OPTIONS]

  • Moves a container volume to a different storage.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • <volume>: Volume identifier.
  • [<storage>]: Target storage name.
  • [<target-vmid>]: ID of the target container.
  • [<target-volume>]: Target volume identifier.

pct pending <vmid>

  • Displays pending configuration changes for the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct resize <vmid> <disk> <size> [OPTIONS]

  • Resizes a container disk.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • <disk>: Disk identifier.
  • <size>: New disk size.

pct restore <vmid> <ostemplate> [OPTIONS]

  • Restores a container from a backup.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • <ostemplate>: OS template for the container.

pct template <vmid>

  • Converts a container into a template.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

Configuration Commands

pct config <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Displays or modifies the container configuration.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct set <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Sets the container configuration.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

Snapshot Commands

pct delsnapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Deletes a snapshot of the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • <snapname>: Name of the snapshot.

pct listsnapshot <vmid>

  • Lists snapshots of the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct rollback <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Rolls back the container to a previous snapshot.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • <snapname>: Name of the snapshot.

pct snapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Creates a snapshot of the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • <snapname>: Name of the snapshot.

Power Management Commands

pct reboot <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Reboots the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct resume <vmid>

  • Resumes a suspended container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct shutdown <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Shuts down the container safely.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct start <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Starts the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct stop <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Forcefully stops the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct suspend <vmid>

  • Suspends the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

Console and Terminal Commands

pct console <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Opens a console for the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct cpusets

  • Lists CPU sets.

pct df <vmid>

  • Displays disk usage for the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct enter <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Enters the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct exec <vmid> [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]

  • Executes a command inside the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • [<extra-args>]: Additional arguments for the command.

Filesystem Commands

pct fsck <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Performs a filesystem check on the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct fstrim <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Trims unused space on the container’s filesystem.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct mount <vmid>

  • Mounts the container’s filesystem.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct pull <vmid> <path> <destination> [OPTIONS]

  • Pulls a file from the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • <path>: Path to the file in the container.
  • <destination>: Local destination path.

pct push <vmid> <file> <destination> [OPTIONS]

  • Pushes a file to the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • <file>: Local file path.
  • <destination>: Destination path in the container.

Migration and Monitoring Commands

pct remote-migrate <vmid> [<target-vmid>] <target-endpoint> --target-bridge <string> --target-storage <string> [OPTIONS]

  • Migrates the container to a remote endpoint.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.
  • [<target-vmid>]: New ID on the remote if necessary.
  • <target-endpoint>: Target endpoint.
  • --target-bridge <string>: Target network bridge.
  • --target-storage <string>: Target storage.

pct rescan [OPTIONS]

  • Rescans the container to detect changes.

pct status <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Displays the status of the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct unlock <vmid>

  • Unlocks the container.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

pct unmount <vmid>

  • Unmounts the container’s filesystem.
  • <vmid>: ID of the container.

Help Command

pct help [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]

  • Displays help for pct commands.

Command Line Interface pct Option

Detailed Options with Examples for pct Commands

Container Management Commands

pct clone <vmid> <newid> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Clone an existing container.
  • Options:
  • --bwlimit <integer>: Set bandwidth limit in KB/s.
  • --hostname <string>: Set the container hostname.
  • --snapname <string>: Snapshot name to clone from.
  • --storage <string>: Target storage for the root disk.
  • Example:

pct create <vmid> <ostemplate> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Create a new container.
  • Options:
  • --arch <string>: Set architecture (e.g., amd64, arm64).
  • --bwlimit <integer>: Set bandwidth limit in KB/s.
  • --cmode <string>: Set clone mode.
  • --cpulimit <number>: Limit CPU usage.
  • --cpuunits <integer>: Set CPU weight.
  • --description <string>: Container description.
  • --features <string>: Enable container features.
  • --hostname <string>: Set container hostname.
  • --memory <integer>: Set memory limit in MB.
  • --nameserver <string>: Set DNS server.
  • --net<n> <string>: Network interface configuration.
  • --onboot <boolean>: Start at boot.
  • --ostype <string>: Set OS type.
  • --password <string>: Set root password.
  • --rootfs <string>: Set root filesystem.
  • --ssh-public-keys <string>: Set SSH public keys.
  • --start <boolean>: Start after creation.
  • --storage <string>: Set target storage.
  • --swap <integer>: Set swap memory in MB.
  • --tags <string>: Set container tags.
  • --template <boolean>: Create as template.
  • Example:

pct destroy <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Destroy an existing container.
  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force removal.
  • Example:

pct list

  • Description: List all containers.
  • Example:

pct migrate <vmid> <target> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Migrate a container to another node.
  • Options:
  • --bwlimit <integer>: Set bandwidth limit in KB/s.
  • --online <boolean>: Perform online migration.
  • --restart <boolean>: Restart container after migration.
  • --with-local-disks <boolean>: Migrate local disks.
  • Example:

pct move-volume <vmid> <volume> [<storage>] [<target-vmid>] [<target-volume>] [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Move a container volume to another storage or container.
  • Options:
  • --bwlimit <integer>: Set bandwidth limit in KB/s.
  • Example:

pct pending <vmid>

  • Description: Display pending changes for a container.
  • Example:

pct resize <vmid> <disk> <size> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Resize a container disk.
  • Options:
  • --disk <string>: Disk identifier.
  • --size <string>: New disk size.
  • Example:

pct restore <vmid> <ostemplate> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Restore a container from a backup.
  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force restore.
  • Example:

pct template <vmid>

  • Description: Convert a container to a template.
  • Example:

Container Configuration Commands

pct config <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Get or set container configuration.
  • Options:
  • --remove <string>: Remove an option.
  • Example:

pct set <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Set container configuration.
  • Options:
  • --arch <string>: Set architecture.
  • --bwlimit <integer>: Set bandwidth limit in KB/s.
  • --cmode <string>: Set clone mode.
  • --cpulimit <number>: Limit CPU usage.
  • --cpuunits <integer>: Set CPU weight.
  • --description <string>: Container description.
  • --features <string>: Enable container features.
  • --hostname <string>: Set container hostname.
  • --memory <integer>: Set memory limit in MB.
  • --nameserver <string>: Set DNS server.
  • --net<n> <string>: Network interface configuration.
  • --onboot <boolean>: Start at boot.
  • --ostype <string>: Set OS type.
  • --password <string>: Set root password.
  • --rootfs <string>: Set root filesystem.
  • --ssh-public-keys <string>: Set SSH public keys.
  • --start <boolean>: Start after creation.
  • --storage <string>: Set target storage.
  • --swap <integer>: Set swap memory in MB.
  • --tags <string>: Set container tags.
  • --template <boolean>: Create as template.
  • Example:

Container Snapshot Commands

pct delsnapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Delete a snapshot.
  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force delete.
  • Example:

pct listsnapshot <vmid>

  • Description: List all snapshots of a container.
  • Example:

pct rollback <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Rollback to a snapshot.
  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force rollback.
  • Example:

pct snapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Create a snapshot.
  • Options:
  • --description <string>: Snapshot description.
  • Example:

Container State Commands

pct reboot <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Reboot a container.
  • Options:
  • --timeout <integer>: Timeout in seconds.
  • Example:

pct resume <vmid>

  • Description: Resume a suspended container.
  • Example:

pct shutdown <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Shut down a container.
  • Options:
  • --timeout <integer>: Timeout in seconds.
  • Example:

pct start <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Start a container.
  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force start.
  • Example:

pct stop <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Description: Stop a container.
  • Options:
  • --timeout <integer>: Timeout in seconds.
  • Example:

Container Management Commands (continued)

pct clone <vmid> <newid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --target-storage <string>: Target storage for the new container.

pct create <vmid> <ostemplate> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --features <string>: Enable specific container features.
  • --net0 <string>: Configure network interface 0.
  • --rootfs <string>: Define root filesystem path.

pct destroy <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force removal of the container.

pct move-volume <vmid> <volume> [<storage>] [<target-vmid>] [<target-volume>] [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --target-storage <string>: Target storage for the volume.
  • --target-volume <string>: Target volume name.

pct restore <vmid> <ostemplate> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --compression <string>: Compression type for backup files.

pct template <vmid>

  • Example:

Container Configuration Commands (continued)

pct config <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --remove <string>: Remove a configuration option.

pct set <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --memory <integer>: Adjust the memory allocation for the container.
  • --cpulimit <number>: Set CPU limit.

Container Snapshot Commands (continued)

pct snapshot <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --description <string>: Provide a description for the snapshot.

pct rollback <vmid> <snapname> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force the rollback if there are conflicts.

Container State Commands (continued)

pct reboot <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --timeout <integer>: Set a timeout for the reboot operation.

pct start <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force start if the container is in an inconsistent state.

pct stop <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --timeout <integer>: Set a timeout for the stop operation.

Container Interaction Commands (continued)

pct cpusets

  • Description: Manage CPU sets.
  • Example:

pct df <vmid>

  • Description: Display disk usage of the container.
  • Example:

pct enter <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --tty <boolean>: Allocate a TTY for interactive use.
  • --stdin <boolean>: Keep STDIN open for input.

pct exec <vmid> [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --tty <boolean>: Allocate a TTY for the command.
  • --stdin <boolean>: Keep STDIN open for input.

pct fsck <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force filesystem check.

pct fstrim <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force the trimming operation.

pct mount <vmid>

  • Description: Mount the container’s filesystem.
  • Example:

pct pull <vmid> <path> <destination> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --recursive <boolean>: Copy directories recursively.

pct push <vmid> <file> <destination> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --recursive <boolean>: Copy directories recursively.

pct remote-migrate <vmid> [<target-vmid>] <target-endpoint> --target-bridge <string> --target-storage <string> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --target-bridge <string>: Specify target bridge for network.
  • --target-storage <string>: Specify target storage for migration.

pct rescan [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --force <boolean>: Force rescan of storage devices.

pct status <vmid> [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --verbose <boolean>: Display detailed status information.

pct unlock <vmid>

  • Description: Unlock a container that is in a locked state.
  • Example:

pct unmount <vmid>

  • Description: Unmount the container’s filesystem.
  • Example:

pct help [<extra-args>] [OPTIONS]

  • Options:
  • --all <boolean>: Display all available help information.