Symbolic Link

What is Symbolic Link

A symbolic link (or symlink) is a type of file in a filesystem that points to another file or directory. It acts as a shortcut, allowing you to access the target file or directory from a different location without duplicating the actual data. If the target is moved or deleted, the symlink may become broken, leading to a “dangling” reference. Symbolic links are commonly used in Unix/Linux systems and can be created using commands like ln -s.

Why use symbolic link

Using symbolic links offers several advantages, including convenience by providing easy access to files or directories from different locations without duplicating data, space efficiency by saving disk space since they point to the original file, and flexibility by allowing changes to the target without affecting applications. They also help with organizational benefits by simplifying navigation, enable version control by pointing to different file versions, and facilitate cross-platform compatibility in complex setups.

Creating a Symbolic Link

To create a symlink, use the following command:

ln -s /path/to/original /path/to/symlink

For example, to create a symlink named link_to_file that points to original_file.txt, use:

  ln -s /path/to/original_file.txt /path/to/link_to_file

To view symbolic links, you can use:

ls -l

This will show symlinks with an arrow (->) indicating the target file.

Removing a Symbolic Link

To remove a symlink, use:

rm /path/to/symlink

Important Points

    • If the original file is moved or deleted, the symlink will become broken (dangling).
    • Symlinks can be created for both files and directories.

Step 1: Understanding the Basics

What is a Symbolic Link?

    • A symbolic link (symlink) is a file that points to another file or directory, allowing you to access it from another location.

Step 2: Creating a Symbolic Link

2.1 Identify the Target

Before creating a symlink, identify the file or directory you want to link to. For example, let’s say you have a file:

/ home/user/documents/report.txt

2.2 Choose a Link Name

Decide where you want to create the symlink and what you want to name it. For instance, you may want it in your home directory:

/ home/user/report_link.txt

2.3 Create the Symbolic Link

Use the ln -s command to create the symlink. Open a terminal and execute:

ln -s /home/user/documents/report.txt /home/user/report_link.txt

Step 3: Verifying the Symbolic Link

3.1 List the Directory

Use the ls -l command to verify that the symlink was created successfully:

ls -l /home/user

You should see an output similar to:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user   30 Jul 16 12:00 report_link.txt -> /home/user/documents/report.txt

The l at the beginning indicates it’s a link, and the arrow shows where it points.

Step 4: Accessing the Symbolic Link

You can now access the target file through the symlink just as you would with any regular file:

cat /home/user/report_link.txt

This command will display the contents of report.txt.

Step 5: Modifying the Target File

If you modify the target file, the changes will reflect when accessing it through the symlink. For example, if you edit report.txt, the changes will be visible via report_link.txt.

Step 6: Handling Broken Links

6.1 Moving the Target File

If you move report.txt to another directory, for example:

mv /home/user/documents/report.txt /home/user/documents/archive/report.txt

Attempting to access report_link.txt will now result in an error because it points to a non-existent location. To check:

cat /home/user/report_link.txt

You may see an error like:

cat: /home/user/documents/report.txt: No such file or directory

Step 7: Updating a Symbolic Link

If the target file is moved, you can update the symlink to point to the new location:

ln -sf /home/user/documents/archive/report.txt /home/user/report_link.txt

The -f option forces the creation of the symlink, replacing the existing one.

Step 8: Removing a Symbolic Link

To remove a symbolic link, use the rm command. This does not affect the original file:

rm /home/user/report_link.txt

Step 9: Creating Symlinks for Directories

You can also create symlinks for directories. For example, to link a directory:

    1. Identify the target directory:
/ home/user/pictures
    1. Create a symlink in your home directory:
ln -s /home/user/pictures /home/user/pic_link

Step 10: Listing All Symlinks in a Directory

To list all symbolic links in a directory, you can use the find command:

find /home/user -type l

This will display all symlinks under /home/user.

Summary of Commands


Create a symbolic link

ls -l

List files and show symlinks


Access the target file through the symlink


Remove the symbolic link


Update the symlink to point to a new target

find /path -type l

Find all symbolic links in a directory


By following these steps, you can effectively create, manage, and utilize symbolic links in Linux to streamline your file organization and improve your workflow